CES is a proud partner of Antal József Summer School 2019!
Center for European Studies FMV VŠE partnered the traditional summer school organized by think-thank Antal József Knowledge Center between 1-11. July in Budapest, Hungary. CES was represented at the summer school by director Jarolim Antal, who moderated the panel “Relations of Germany and Central Europe”, featuring the president of the Hungarian-German Chamber of Commerce (AHK) Gabriel A. Brennauer and researcher at the Institute of International Relations and Trade Tamas Levente Molnar.
Launched in 2013, Antall József Summer School is a twelve-day program focusing on one of the most important regional partnerships in Europe, the Visegrad Cooperation. Through traditional and more interactive forms of education, including lectures, workshops, debates, roundtable discussions, and short trainings, the event series, organized annually, provides a profound analysis of the Visegrad Cooperation’s history, economy, energy policy, foreign and security policy, and sustainable development policy, as well as its business and innovation-related activities.
The project was supported by the International Visegrad Fund.